By Expedia Team, on August 8, 2017

All Things Green in Cameron Highlands for a Healthy Getaway

For the avid nature lover, Cameron Highlands is the perfect holiday destination. Surrounded by lush, gently sloping hills, dense jungles, and quaint farms making and selling fresh produce, it’s the perfect green getaway from hectic city life. For travellers looking to reinvigorate themselves, read on for the must-see nature hotspots in Cameron Highlands.

Natural Attractions and Activities to do in Cameron Highlands


1. Visit A Tea Plantation

rolling hills of cameron highlands


Any guide to Cameron Highlands would be remiss not to include the region’s famous tea plantations. Spanning thousands of acres, they are the perfect natural backdrop to the local towns.

Visit the Sungei Palas Boh Tea Estate, if you want to wander at your own pace through the tea fields and visit the tea center later for free tours of the plantation’s tea-making process. Other plantations include the Cameron Bharat Tea Estate, which is ideal for those who don’t mind a steeper climb for a fantastically scenic view from their cafe and souvenir shop.

2. Trek through the Mossy Forest

Photo Credit: @lot.aznar

Located in the town of Brinchang, the Mossy Forest lives up to its name due to its high elevation; at such heights, low-level clouds in the sky envelop the entire forest with mist, allowing the trees and plants to soak up much more moisture than what is normally available. This primes the space for the verdant growth of moss, ferns, and other flora that require more water to thrive.

Visitors can easily explore the forest by following a boardwalk that stretches 2km before reaching the peak of Gunung Batu Brinchang.

3. Hike a mountain in Cameron Highlands

Gunung Batu Brinchang

If you’re feeling up for a long trek, continue on from the Mossy Forest to climb either Gunung Batu Brinchang or, when you reach its summit, move on to Gunung Irau, the tallest mountain in Cameron Highlands.

Gunung Irau features winding forest trails and a cool environment for a hike due to misty, low-hanging clouds and winds. Indeed, many trekkers have enthused about how the dampness and fog creates a mysterious and enchanting atmosphere, the likes of which they had never seen before.

Be careful though, as the trail is often muddy and steep, so it might not be suited for the physically unfit or elderly.

4. Go to a Strawberry Farm

Big Red Strawberry Farm

There are a couple of strawberry farms in Cameron Highlands, but to save time you can just check out the Big Red Strawberry Farm and Kok Lim Strawberry Farm, both located in or around Brinchang. Besides strawberries, both farms also sell organic vegetables; the former farm also features a large cafe, vegetable market, and the opportunity to pick your own strawberries.

5. Visit an Insect Farm

Cameron Highlands Butterfly Farm @iamzupleth

Yes, insects. Not something you’d usually be excited about, let alone actively seek out on a holiday, but Cameron Highlands is a veritable hot-spot for flora and fauna, and you’d be missing out if you didn’t at least take the chance to see how the local bugs live!

For bees, check out Cameron Tringkap Bee Farm and Ee Feng Gu Honey Bee Farm, both apiaries where you can access the bee gardens while admiring the flowers, trees, and bee boxes that are their home.

Ee Feng Gu is located right by Kea Farm, which makes it the perfect stop before going next door to pick some strawberries or buy some fresh fruit tarts. For butterflies, head on next door to Ee Feng Gu and visit the Cameron Highlands Butterfly Farm, where there are reptile and amphibian exhibitions alongside a live butterfly house.

6. Visit Kea Farm Market

Kea farm

Kea Farm is an agricultural district in the Highlands located 3km north of Brinchang. Featuring a myriad of farms, traders, and gardens with everything ranging from produce like strawberries and honey to more exotic specialties like butterflies, Kea Farm is well-worth a full day of exploration. At the end of the day, be sure to go through the market again to get great bargains on perishable food items!

7. Visit a waterfall

Lata Iskandar waterfall

Cameron Highlands has an abundance of waterfalls to choose from. Lata Iskandar is one of the more popular ones, with its multi-tiered falls that create pools at the base of each level, creating a cascade of water over mossy rocks. The water, which originates from higher up in the surrounding highlands, is relatively clean and cool, perfect for a quick dip for the weary traveller. It’s also conveniently located on the route from Tapah to Cameron Highlands, located about 25km before the first township, Ringlet.

Other waterfalls include Parit Falls, located in a recreational nature park in Tanah Rata; even though the river that leads the falls is slightly polluted due to agricultural development upstream, visitors can still explore the surrounding rainforest and even visit a watchtower nestled on a nearby hilltop.

Lastly, there’s also the nearby Robinson Falls, where one approaches from upstream instead of from below and can thus admire the steep, near-vertical drop of the fall.

Quick tips


[tab title=”Where to Stay” icon=”entypo-suitcase”]Where to stay in Cameron Highlands

Stay at Tanah Rata or Brinchang, the two largest towns in Cameron Highlands. We recommend the Cameron Highlands Resort or Copthorne Hotel Cameron Highlands for those prioritising luxury, or Century Pines Resort or Hotel Rosa Passadena for more wallet-friendly options. Take note that although Brinchang is the more popular location, it can also get very crowded (and Tanah Rata is only a ten-minute car ride away!)[/tab]

[tab title=”Getting There” icon=”entypo-address”]Cameron Highlands is about a four-hour bus ride from Kuala Lumpur. A bus to Cameron Highlands is approximately 35 RM if you book your tickets through Easybook.

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